Thursday, July 31, 2008

Games on my iPhone 3G

Default Alert Setting

I use the calendar application quite a bit. One of the things that I need to do is to go through a number of screens to complete one entry in the calendar. One of the most commonly visited part of setting up an entry in my calendar is the Alert section. I almost have two alerts for every calendar item and doing it each time I create one is painful. Can I set a default setting somewhere? Apple, can we do this?

Friday, July 18, 2008

I got a iPhone 3G

Ahh... one of my friend was leaving to his country and wanted to desparately buy the 1st generation iPhone and pleaded me to sell me mine. Having got rid of it I went ahead and got a iPhone 3G. Looks nice. Just now tried the GPS feature while I was driving back and it was so awesome. Although it does not do turn by turn directions, if you have someone by your side while driving they can easily navigate with the help of the iPhone.